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Social Media Roles: Be a Content Creator

By | April 22, 2015

Last week I gave an overview of various social media roles. Over the next few weeks, I’m going to go more in-depth on these roles and how they affect time


How Social Media Roles Affect Time and Engagement

By | April 15, 2015

In talking to people and working with clients, I’ve realized that strategies for using social media fall into five basic categories: 1. Content Creators 2. Content Filters 3. Networkers 4.


What To Do When Everything Is Important

By | April 8, 2015

I received an interesting question from a reader of this blog: how to prioritize important action items and what to do when everything seems important. Let me take the second


Networking Conversation Starters

By | April 1, 2015

Do you get to an event and freeze when you don’t know what to say? If so, you’re not alone, and I’m going to give you some networking conversation starters